Running my own design studio has been a life long dream. In my earlier years, I started companies for which I worked as the Creative Director: In2media, now one of Scandinavia’s leading web agencies; Castit, Copenhagen's biggest casting agency; and Trunk Archive, today’s premier photographer archive. These very different ventures have taught me a lot about niches, branding and running a business.
In 2008 I decided not to be involved with the daily operations of these companies, and to fully dedicate myself to starting a design agency. I spring loaded the Studio’s start by launching the MILK table, manufactured by Holmris in 2007. It received overwhelming acclaim from both clients and press, so with several full sketchbooks in hand, I jumped into this awesome industry.
And here I am, 6 years later, with a branch in Copenhagen and New York. My team has an incredible skill set within architecture, product design and manufacturing.