Founded in 1981, Bross has always been known as a fresh and creative company, also attentive to detail and to the quality of its products. The attention to detail, the careful selection of materials and the love for wood are distinctive features of the company that was created to meet the specific requirement of the early '80s: qualify the production and the potential of the company in terms of aesthetics, functionality and technology.
The geographical location, inside what today is known as "Italian Chair District", helps to understand the origin and historical setting but does not exhaust the philosophy of Bross, which has gradually expanded its production on the basis of a wider design concept, in order to include in time different types of furniture.
Chairs, tables, cabinets, containers and upholstered furniture are designed and manufactured combining industrial dynamics and ancient craft methods, which ensure a high degree of tailoring and a deep control over the process.The customization is in fact a real plus for Bross, able to satisfy customer needs in both residential and on the front of the contract.
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