Squad Design

Squad design is a Beirut-based contemporary furniture producer that endorses and sponsors young talents by realizing and exposing their work both at home and abroad.
We have both the expertise and means to bring pieces to life by working with the finest craftsmen in the industry and exploring which technique is right for each and every creation.

Bringing production to the next level, Squad goes beyond exposing the product and into ensuring that the quality of the product, both formally and functionally, comes first.

In unison with established designers, we scout for exceptional Lebanese talent for whom we can open doors and give access to the international market. In the process of creating and supplying this market with original, innovative designs, we raise both the awareness and profile of Lebanese product design on a global level.

We believe that our position as the sole source of design, production, and sale of our product ensures the very exclusivity that is in itself the key to both the value of our products and the distinctiveness of our brand.

Following our successful debut at the 2014 Design Days Dubai, we also took part in the 2014 Beirut Design Week where we launched the "10 100 1000" competition.

Categoria ‣ Furniture
Estilo ‣ Contemporary, Artistic
Ambiente ‣ Living room

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