R. Szpilman Design

After 05 years of work as an artist, Rubens Szpilman founded in June / 1988 to Squalus Ind. A small industry specializing in objects, utilities and accessories made by hand bath pigmented polyester resin which is responsible for the unique design, the creation and execution of the original models.
Located in Whale Beach, 25 km north of Victoria - the capital of ES, the company started in the fashion accessories industry and obtained huge success of sale throughout Brazil and abroad, with its hairpins to the beach with numerous materials in fashion magazines and publishing of National movement and participation in various trade fairs such as FENIT (38 in 06/89, 40 in 06/91; 41st in 05/92) and the 1st fashion in Hall Beach 06/93.
In 1994, Rubens develops a handmade line of decorative and utilitarian objects in a return to its origins plastic artist - sculptor along with the desire to "show the sculpture possibilities with the decoration, through objects that unite the plastic beauty the first with the pleasure of the everyday use of the second. " With a number of entitled exhibition "Szpilman - SCULPTURES AND OBJECTS" began in January 1995 in the exhibition hall - 3rd floor of the Rio Design Center - RJ, also presented in Vitoria and Sao Paulo, definitely alter the course of Squalus, which shall use the mark R.Szpilman design.
The Szpilman's work is marked mainly by volumes, colors and contrasts, creating true utilitarian sculptures in resin poliéster.O external polishing with high brightness, transparencies and matte finish w / inside create the sensation of floating volumes, one inside the other. This aesthetic detail distinguishes it as one of the most striking features of this original work. The sculpture is not left p / drying, because the key concepts are present. The pieces are fused into a single block and always from a designed and sculpted by the artist himself matrix. The aesthetics in his work rarely overlaps with practicality. Concern about the use is never forgotten; rather it seems to be overvalued. His plays have in addition to good ergonomics, concern for the daily use and cleaning, as many parts to be used in bathrooms are subject to fungi due to moisture present in this environment.
Reference in the production of tubs, sinks and countertop accessories in polyester resin, artist and designer Rubens Szpilman is considered one of the best designers in accessories for today's bathrooms in Brazil and abroad. It is part of a select team of designers, creating exclusive pieces for American WaterWorks, bigger, trendy and sophisticated network of world bath boutiques, with 30 stores in the US. Now also asked to draw for gedy SPA Italy, one of the accessories groups for Europe bathrooms.
With a prominent place secured in the luxury segment, and always with great emphasis in the specialized media, distributes its products to the best decoration accessory stores and bath boutiques of Brazil and the US, where its products are recognized by unique design and its high quality finishing and polishing, considered by the market as one of the best in the world.
From 2010 begins a new phase with the development of a line of furniture that blend the polyester resin with the wood "Lyptus" in a simple and fun way. Selected among the 08 Brazilian designer in the creative use of this wood has been awarded the exclusive sponsorship by the production company of this timber reforestation and has participated in some of the major exhibitions of furniture from Brazil.

Categoria ‣ Bathroom accessories
Estilo ‣ Stripped, Clean, Casual, Artistic
Ambiente ‣ Bathroom

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