EVER Life Design by Thermomat

CEP 46034
Provincia de Mantua, Lombardía, Italia


Design, comfort and safety: since 1968, Thermomat is committed to creating and spreading these values in the production of devices and accessories for the bathroom.

With Ever, the company launches a new challenge to redefine such an important room as the bathroom, both as a space and as a concept, breaking free from the idea of mere functionalism; exploring new territory and simply innovating.

The traditional objects become iconic and adaptable furnishing accessories, full of personality, offering at the same time an added value in terms of safety, belonging to the essence of Thermomat, which means guarantee and reliability made in Italy.

Elegance in every detail, unconventional materials, adaptable and cross functionality: this is the company dna, always more committed through the years to customizing the bathroom as a “self place”, a place where children, adults and elderly people can live side by side, with their own different needs in each moment of one’s life.

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