
Maurizio Minacciolo, grew up in his father’s furniture business and has always been passionate about the industry. In the early 70s he decided to chase his dream of setting up a small company. His idea was to industrialise the manufacturing of country furniture in the ampezzo-tirol style which was highly fashionable at that time. In 1973 the first factory was built and Minacciolo, thanks to the increasingly positive response from the market, experienced rapid growth. And as a result in 1985 the new headquarters in San Biagio di Callalta were opened: a factory of 3,000m2, which has since been extended up to 12,000m2. As a result of the refined woodwork and the innovative furniture collections that were being sold, the Company was making headway and began to develop its commercial and distribution structure.

Categoria ‣ Decoration Objects, Internal Area, Furniture
Estilo ‣ Classic, Contemporary, Casual
Ambiente ‣ Kitchen

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