Michael Malapert

París, Isla de Francia, Francia

Michael Malapert launched his interior design agency in 2005. From the start he developed living and commercial spaces on a national level. His work reflects the codes of contemporary luxury, always factoring in the historical context of each project and taking into account function as well as the energy released by the space itself. Michael’s visual vocabulary enhances the well-being always designing sustainability and a balance between form and function. Each project tells a story through the architecture and design, enhancing the ergonomics of each space to provide a clear path.

His approach is simple choosing and assembling the key ingredients for the project - materials, lights, volumes - to form the basis of a coherent study and selecting the artisans based on their proficiency. Overseeing the construction to ensure the quality of each part. Choosing to work with what the space has to offer instead of demolishing and keeping the authenticity of the places as much as possible.

In recent years Michael has enjoyed amazing success and built an incredible range of projects, from the Speakeasy, the bar of the Jules and Jim hotel, Yuman the 100% organic restaurant, A-Noste, the gourmet restaurant of chef Julien Duboué, the bistronomic Colonel Moutarde or Kristin Frederick’s Huabu, the founder of the reputed Camion qui fume, La Maison Bleue and the Café de la Marine in the 10th arrondissement.

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