January Furniture Show

Endereço ‣ North Avenue Birmingham West Midlands B40 1NT
Birmingham , Reino Unido

The January Furniture Show at the NEC is the most important and comprehensive event in the furniture industry calendar.

With a Sunday opening and 4 day duration, the show fills the NEC’s 5 major halls.

Discover all the UK’s major upholstery, cabinet and bed suppliers, plus leading brands in accessories, flooring, fabric and lighting. International exhibitors include major brands from Italy, Germany, Portugal, Belgium, Poland, France and the Far East.

Every sector of furniture and interiors buying attends the show, including multiple retailers, independents, interior designers, contract buyers for public and private sectors including hospitality, hotels and restaurants, local authorities, architects and developers.

The NEC provides the ideal accessible venue; in the centre of the UK with excellent transport links for exhibitors and buyers alike.

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