
Endereço ‣ Messepl., 1
CEP 50679
Colonia , Alemania    Visualizar mapa

With the motto "Creativity Works", this year's ORGATEC will provide new perspectives, inspiring concepts and market-leading solutions for working environments.

True to our motto, we have taken a creative approach and present you a chronological gallery of images of ORGATEC. Even as early as the first "West German Office Trade Fair in Cologne" in 1953, Hermann Schütter from the German Association of Office Machines, Furniture and Organizational Aids wrote the following in the foreword to the catalogue: "One shouldn't underestimate this "external appearance", because it is not inconsequential to people's performance whether they are working in a beautifully designed office or in a cemetery of shelves and folders".

And today, 60 years later, we see not only the beautiful office, but also the bringing to perfection of the interaction of working environment, work processes, and work culture, which all contribute to enabling creative ideas for the future.

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